In-Person Tutoring
Grades: 1-12
Online Tutoring
Grades: 1-12
D3P Tutoring Program, where we offer tailored academic support for students in Grades 1-12, covering English, Math, Science, History/Geography, EQAO Prep, and OSSLT Prep. Our experienced tutors provide personalized instruction, homework support, and supplementary materials to enhance understanding and mastery of key subjects and exams.
Individualized Assessment: Tailored evaluation to pinpoint students' needs and strengths.
Flexible Scheduling: Convenient in-person sessions to accommodate busy schedules.
Customized Instruction: Personalized tutoring to meet individual learning needs and goals.
Homework Assistance: Support with assignments and exam prep to reinforce classroom learning.
Comprehensive Resources: Additional materials provided to deepen understanding and strengthen skills.
Rewarding Progress: Students earn prizes for improvement and success.
Progress Tracking: Regular assessment and feedback to monitor student growth and achievement.